Tuesday 22 June 2010

Vivienne Westwood s/s 2011 Milan

Here is little interview with the Queen of Punk from Dazed magazine.

Dazed Digital: How would you describe the collection?
Vivienne Westwood: There’s lots of broken up stuff, lots and lots o glowing colour and flashing things. Lots of checks and stripes. Cut up graphics and chopped up patterns.

DD: What was the thought behind ‘Get a Life’?
Vivienne Westwood: Somehow it’s very global, it’s got a global feeling to it. It’s like if the world was a smashed glass, full of broken bits…

DD: The models were quite quick and chirpy, weren’t they?
Vivienne Westwood: It was very high energy. I told them to go fast and don’t think about it, and that’s what they did.

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